meterwatch, Halytech's metering data logger and telemetry device has been approved for use in NSW Non-Urban Water Metering Framework.
Halytech has released LTE Cat M1 variants of the microSpider Environmental, microSpider Lite and hydroSpider.
Halytech as released a special microSpider Industrial based solution that provides all the standard microSpider logging and reporting capabilities PLUS video capture and transmission for server-based analysis of river flows and volumes.
March 2017
In response to customer requests, Halytech has implemented the Distributed Network Protocol (DNP3) for its microSpider2 and hydrospider2 data loggers, making it easy to fully integrate the loggers into centralised SCADA systems.
Responding to requests from its customers, Halytech has improved its Illuminator sportsfield lighting management system to monitors energy use and, where appropriate, enable councils to charge for it.
Sydney, NSW 20th August 2012
Halytech is pleased to announce its new low-cost, low-power solution for remote monitoring and data logging which uses the Iridium satellite network Short Burst Data (SBD) service for automated data delivery.
Sydney, NSW 8th October 2012
As a result of recent changes made by Australia’s mobile phone carriers, Halytech can now offer its Spider range of data-loggers with a GPRS static IP address. This is a major breakthrough for remote monitoring in Australia.
Sydney, NSW 20th August 2012
Halytech is pleased to announce its new low-cost, low-power solution for remote monitoring and data logging which uses the Iridium satellite network Short Burst Data (SBD) service for automated data delivery.
Unit 11, 22 Lexington Drive
Norwest Business Park
Bella Vista NSW 2153
9:00 - 5:00 Monday to Friday
phone +61 2 8814 5235